NLN Let's Go Legal Boost #1

First, let's remember what we talked about.

The goal of this quiz is not to test your knowledge, but rather to reinforce the most important pieces that you learned about nonprofit law. If you don't answer a question correctly, don't worry. Read the correct answer and think about why how this applies to your board.

As always, if you have questions please get in touch with us: or (855) 299-2922.

QUESTION 1: Which of these KEY ORGANIZATIONAL DOCUMENTS set out the rules that govern the internal management of your organization?
A) Budget
B) Articles of Incorporation
C) IRS Form 990
D) Bylaws

QUESTION 2: A 501(c)(3) is exempt from what tax?
A) Business & Occupational Tax
B) Income Tax
C) Sales Tax
D) Property Tax

QUESTION 3: Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) A nonprofit may not lobby.
B) A nonprofit may not endorse a candidate for office.
C) A nonprofit may not educate policymakers.

QUESTION 4: A key element of nonprofit law is the issue of CONFLICT OF INTEREST. A board member should put the organization before self-interest. It is best practice for best members to sign a conflict of interest policy. What can your organization do to better manage conflict of interests now and before they arise?
